Positive Affirmations

Whenever you are feeling emotional black out and your mind is blank ; you feel like you are nowhere around. Your presence is not wanted nor your absence is not noticed. 

There are some incidents in life that make your life hell and take over your mind. Sometimes, your childhood come in your way, which make your life a mess up because you are being questioned continuisly of your existence, your thoughts are being doubted, your nature is being targeted and your beliefs are being distributed.
Yes, childhood can mess with your well being. It can take away your joy, your happiness and your self-esteem. 
When your self-esteem is hurt, there where your destruction comes . In those dark days you need positive self. Some positive people , some positive peace of mind, some magic which turn your dark mind into shine bright.
How to overcome your childhood trauma and have some positivity absorb?
First, you need to work out on yourself : 
1) what parts are your best?
2) What are your positive qualities?
3) What are your weaknesses?
4) What are your strengths?
5) What habits made you this far to come and is still there?

After completely and in detail analyzing yourself,then write it down in your dairy. Whenever feeling low, open your dairy and reread yourself.

A person knowing his/ her strength, can't be doubted, always remember* . 

Practice a self positive talk because there only one person who will be with yourself whole life is You* . Remember*

Whenever's feeling low, start remembering your good moments in which you felt alive.

Don't compare yourself to none; don't allow other's made you to be the victim of comparison; it's the most destructive thing which take life out of yourself.

First in the morning, do some regular ritual's and you will feel better and happy all day. At least take out 1 hour in a day for yourself.In that one hour, below things can be done on daily basis, which I also start doing it; you feel quite happy your life and happiness can be felt around you.

* Perform your regular morning prayers.
* Drink lemon juice on empty stomach.
* Do exercise at least for 30 minutes.
* Do breathing exercise and yoga.
* Most importantly , positive self affirmations*, it's must , and remind yourself regularly.


Affirmation are some positive talk , positive reminders which you make on daily basis.
They rewire and rewrite your brain and your start looking at the brighter picture.

There are certain affirmations which I do daily, hope it works for you too to transform you into positive well being.

  • I am strong
  • I am beautiful
  • I am capable
  • Where there is will, there is a way.
  • Good days are coming 
  • I am smart
  • I am brave
  • My kids and home is safe
  • I can do whatever I want to do
  • I will succeed
These are some affirmations, which I practiced daily. Below are some self talk and sentences you can you use in place of them. Stay strong ❤️ cheers 😊


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