The Social Bee Time 🕒

let it be offline

Have you ever thought , where your time go when are using social media application? Did it effect your everyday routine? Your relationships? Your belongings? Your mental state? Your being? Are you being selfaware, what you wanted it to be used for but it is using you?
You waste your alot of time while using such applications did you know?have you ever felt?

Just give it a thought, once you are online somewhere on application, you know, you are not using the application but the application is using you? You time ,your most precious thing , once gone can't be taken back, your energy,once exerted can't be gained, your mental force, once lose never can be get it back.. just give it a thought once...just for a minute!

They are programs designed for us,by us , for our well being and should be under our control but they are ruling us? Just give it a thought!!!

Let's do a simple experiment:
Sit on the chair, and open an application; done? Set your timer and put it On, once you enter some app; done?

Once your scrolling is complete, go check your timer , at what time you opened the app and how much it eats away your precious self?
Getting my point; to the moral of this story is : the things which needed to be controlled should be in your control, because technology is made for us and by us for our well being , should only be used to benefit us, not to destroy ourselves and be a tech robot . 

Think !!!! Just a minute!!!! For a minute!!!! For yourself !!!!


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