
Dream life

Everyone dream. Nobody in this world wanted what oneself get. Everyone want what they want but nobody want what others get.  In everyone's life, there is always this situation, in which person keep in reminding oneself, that was not meant for us nor after how much we exert effort, you will not fully contented with the whole package. Someone dream for happy life, people , children and family others want only to be wanted. Some want to be asked about there feelings and wanted there presence to be felt others want to be disappear. Some want happy ending and some get more than what they thought will ever get. Some want fame but some want only to be liked by few. Most of us want a happy being and happy life, Knowing it is not a story with fairytale ending. Some get everything but some want to get over everything. Some are on there knees as showing gratitude but others only wants and wants and there list go on. Some wanted to be felt wanted, around surrounded by people, there people, be

The Social Bee Time 🕒

let it be offline Have you ever thought , where your time go when are using social media application? Did it effect your everyday routine? Your relationships? Your belongings? Your mental state? Your being? Are you being selfaware, what you wanted it to be used for but it is using you? You waste your alot of time while using such applications did you know?have you ever felt? Just give it a thought, once you are online somewhere on application, you know, you are not using the application but the application is using you? You time ,your most precious thing , once gone can't be taken back, your energy,once exerted can't be gained, your mental force, once lose never can be get it back.. just give it a thought once...just for a minute! They are programs designed for us,by us , for our well being and should be under our control but they are ruling us? Just give it a thought!!! Let's do a simple experiment: Sit on the chair, and open an applicati

Unsolved Myth

Image Have you ever seen such kind of woman with this face? No! Right?! But you don't know , you do see her everyday, at your home, at your neighborhood, in every passing lady, every siting or walking girl, In  every girl when born, you see it but don't concentrate , don't focus because you are also so caught up in you problems and your myseries that don't bother to dig deep within her, to see what a Allah's Masters piece she is? You don't ever bother and you never will. Who is this Magician?⚠️ She is a Person with lots of WONDERS and MAGIC. She is mystery, she is deep , she is every person in poet's poetry, she is warrior, she is care giver, she is being which is not seen, she is one  by whom Kings and queens bare born of every century and the centuries coming after, she is power, she is support, she is a Mother, she is sister, she is your wife, she is your daughter, she is your mother in law, she is your sister in laws, she is

An Unplanned Vist 🌻

Once in a while having and living a great life ,or in other words, living a fairytale; we stop and suddenly realize, we came to this world with no plan, no schedule, no thought process but we living it with everything pre planned. We want everything to be in order and do  future planning, without giving a second thought. Then after so long scheduling and hard planned map, we do exactly as our uinverse want it to do. Our creature, our Allah mighty, what he want; it actually happen and our plans are all at loss. No plan is followed, but we feel contended with whatever our creature give us. Then why plan, when don't have to follow your thoughts? We are human beings, we cannot go with the flow, we are that being that cannot be satisfied, our lust, our want to get more and more , always block our way. We love to get what want, without knowing it was not our destiny, we curse ourselves for not being that level of certain person, we start feeling low, we start hating our selve

Positive Affirmations

Whenever you are feeling emotional black out and your mind is blank ; you feel like you are nowhere around. Your presence is not wanted nor your absence is not noticed.  There are some incidents in life that make your life hell and take over your mind. Sometimes, your childhood come in your way, which make your life a mess up because you are being questioned continuisly of your existence, your thoughts are being doubted, your nature is being targeted and your beliefs are being distributed. Yes, childhood can mess with your well being. It can take away your joy, your happiness and your self-esteem.  When your self-esteem is hurt, there where your destruction comes . In those dark days you need positive self. Some positive people , some positive peace of mind, some magic which turn your dark mind into shine bright. How to overcome your childhood trauma and have some positivity absorb? First, you need to work out on yourself :  1) what parts are your best? 2) What are your positive qualit

Depressives phase 😒

How to manage your day when depression take control of you? Take control of your thoughts Don't bother anyone ideas and thoughts  Take care of yourself Do a happy thoughts whenever feeling low. Don't fear alone time. Exercise. Write some powerfully affirmation and recite it daily basis. Don't dewl on your past. Forgive yourself each day for being hard on yourself. Go with the flow Time can't heal some wounds, understand it. Don't just make happy places in air, start yours in reality. Some people need not to be bothered. Your kids are your real investment Make time for your self Life is unfair, understand this fact Not everyone you like can be in your life. Life sucks sometimes Do breathing exercise Visualize yourself 5 years ahead. And keep working on it. Be independent before getting in to some relationship. Don't ignore your self. Past is past, let it be past. Present , take it as a gift. Future , yes worry about it. Make a good